"Le Marché" means "The Market" in French. We're working hard to make your entertainingand meal planning easier, and helping you find and purchase food with a focus on local.
We are working hard to increase availability of these items and will continue to do so in the weeks ahead. We are training as a team on new recipes and procedures to make sure that we can give you a diverse set of products your family will love.
If you have already placed an order (online or on the phone) we would be happy to add these items on as they are available when you arrive.
Don't forget! We have a wonderful assortment of other meal items like quiches, or ready-to-serve items like made-to-order sandwiches and stone hearth fired pizzas! We make these all from scratch and do our best to keep in stock. Please order ahead to ensure availability.
We recommend calling ahead to ensure we have these items in stock as we work to increase our availability. Some frozen items are only available on Fridays and Saturdays. All items are made here - from scratch - with a focus on premium local ingredients.
A selection of local goods and essentials to save you a trip to the store.